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41364 No.749   [Delete]   [Edit

So I was wandering in the dark world as the lamp looking for the entrance to the "Wilderness" where the towel effect is supposed to be.
I walked quite awhile while wearing the lamp, got tired and woke up.
Next thing that happens is that Madotuski`s head is facing her left. i face up, down left and she still faces her left.
I go out the balcony ans still facing left, i come back and still the same.
I cant play Nasu or open the diary and she doesnt even nudge when infront of the door.
I went back to sleep and her neck got fixed.
I tried the lamp thing again andshe waked up normal.
Anyone else found this aswell?

>> No.750   [Delete]   [Edit]

You fell asleep while playing Yume Nikki?

Also, it usually happens when you fall off the broomstick when you fly.

>> No.751   [Delete]   [Edit]

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention i just found the Witch and Umbrella effects before that.

>> No.752   [Delete]   [Edit]

She got a crick in her neck and it's a randomly occurring event. I don't think it matters what happened before.

>> No.756   [Delete]   [Edit]

happened to me once too.

>> No.938   [Delete]   [Edit]

same here

>> No.941   [Delete]   [Edit]

Yeah, I got that a few times.

>> No.1290   [Delete]   [Edit]

Yeah, same. Come to think of it, I've had a crick in my neck irl so I understood it.

>> No.1734   [Delete]   [Edit]

This actually happened to me when I woke up after I got to Mars. I never understood why that would happen after waking up after acheiving the Mars event.

>> No.1736   [Delete]   [Edit]

Happened quite a few times to me, it's probably like with Uboa, a 1/64 chance of happening or so

>> No.1759   [Delete]   [Edit]


This happened to me once in real life. I slept in such a way that when I woke up, my neck muscles were really tense and it spasmed and hurt if I tried to turn my head (It stayed like this for 2 days.) Of course, I couldn't do anything as a result so I had to call in sick.

>> No.1822   [Delete]   [Edit]

old news

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