What is she drinking?
Purple DRANK
Bah, who's that artist again? Last edited 11/02/12(Sat)06:56.
Bah, who's that artist again?
Last edited 11/02/12(Sat)06:56.
Maybe Madotsuki should calm down with the pills and drank
>>2066no idea... I looked them up with IQDB but didn't find anything
Here's a link for you people:http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=234068
Here's a link for you people:
Wait, I have the artist, I had him/her Favorited or whatever on that Pixiv lark.http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=234068>>2071damn it.>>2067That's nasty, man. Last edited 11/02/13(Sun)07:50.
Wait, I have the artist, I had him/her Favorited or whatever on that Pixiv lark.http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=234068>>2071damn it.
>>2067That's nasty, man.
Last edited 11/02/13(Sun)07:50.
This person sure has some...stuff on their gallery
And then everyone got hammered.(different artist, by the way.)I find this pic funny because I imagine Mado trying to slur some words out. Last edited 11/02/13(Sun)08:33.
And then everyone got hammered.
(different artist, by the way.)
I find this pic funny because I imagine Mado trying to slur some words out.
Last edited 11/02/13(Sun)08:33.
>>2074masada put something in madotsuki's drink! D:
masada put something in madotsuki's drink! D:
Now Masada's given all the girls chocolate liqueurs! Oh why don't you stop, Sensei? Why?
She's probably popping pills containing DXM, or Dextromethorphan. DXM is a dissociative that causes dreamlike hallucinations, but the come-up is characterized by some pretty intense nausea (hence the puking in >>2067). She appears to be tripping balls in >>2068. If it wasn't for that picture I'd say it was some kind of opiate probably, considering the sleepy, nodding appearance and pills in >>2064.
I love this artist. S/he is one of the few artists I've seen that can draw Madotsuki so that her eyes open yet she still looks like Madotsuki and not just some generic animu girl, nobody else can seem to get it quite right. The first piece of work I've seen from him/her was the pic >>2066 posted, I knew at first glance, "THIS is what Madotsuki is MEANT to look like."
>>2102Yeah, the artist has a large amount of Mado art, and is on eof my favorites, but I think he's also done some pretty nasty stuff with Mado, too; like dismemberment or guro or whatever it is.
>>2103You must be thinking of someone else, the closest thing I've seen to that from the gallery is knife stabbing, his/her work is no gorier than the game itself. (unless a lake of blood counts as gore) imo, the nastiest thing there is the pic in this post, and it's nothing more than a pantyshot.
>>2113Links because guro or whatever isn't allowed.http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=big&illust_id=13600247http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=big&illust_id=9675707http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=big&illust_id=5112319Well okay, maybe not that much, but still pretty darn nasty.Are we having fun yet?
>>2113Links because guro or whatever isn't allowed.http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=big&illust_id=13600247
Well okay, maybe not that much, but still pretty darn nasty.Are we having fun yet?
>>2115I can't even view them since i dont have an account :/ (at least, i think thats the problem)ah well
>>2115I can't even view them since i dont have an account :/ (at least, i think thats the problem)
ah well
>>2115 O___O a little less than we were earlier, now that I've turned the safe filter off and witnessed this artist's true gallery. Good lord.
>>2117Uh, sorry. Let's just get back to Madotsuki.
>>2113Those shoes turn me off
>>2123They're so adorable <3