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File: 1273791496951.jpg -(142.3 KiB, 800x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
145726 No.1072   [Delete]   [Edit

Hello uboachan, hello /mado/, it's sorta late, I'm sorta tired, I'm sorta gonna try lucid dreaming today and I sor- - no, I did draw this on my own. I will continue tomorrow but I feel like sharing anyway. :3

Chances are though, I'm gonna hate this by tomorrow. I'm looking at the hand right now and I'm like "Oh boy!"

In any case, I'm glad the game exists.

Last edited 10/05/13(Thu)15:59.

>> No.1073   [Delete]   [Edit]

Oh man

I used to lucid dream, until once I lost control of the dream. Shit was scaaaaaary.

I'm glad this game exists too, it's pretty awesome. And the drawing isn't bad, I like the style. We are our own worst critics, you know.

Last edited 10/05/13(Thu)17:44.

>> No.1074   [Delete]   [Edit]

... okay, now you have me worried after all. I kept thinking about this and wondered if maybe I'll even go insane when I dream too much. The internet says I'll be fine but now...

OH WELL. I'll still try.

And thanks for the feedback. Man, I love this community.

>> No.1075   [Delete]   [Edit]

Let me worry you some more by telling you the details. :D

I was falling asleep and one of the techniques to lucid dreaming is to focus on imagining moving a part of your body to kind your mind moving, so to speak.

So I imagined myself standing in a completely blackened room. I was moving my forefinger across an invisible wall. Wherever my finger touched, it would leave a white line. So I began writing the alphabet, imagining each motion as I fell asleep.

By the time I fell asleep, I was on the letter H. For some reason, I decided to keep repeating the letter H. After a while, I removed my hand from that invisible wall that I was writing on. Not sure why I did that.

Shortly after, someone from the other side of the wall began writing, completing a word after the letter H. The person's finger slowly traced out an E, an L and a P. I was confused by this, so I wrote beneath it.


The writing came slowly, probably because whoever it was had to write in reverse to enable me to read it.

Y, O, U, R, S, E, L, F.

The confusion grew at that point, until an open palm pressed to the wall, a second hand forming a fist and banging against it, leaving white marks in the shape of his fist where it collided with the invisible wall. The entire dark area shook with the force, and more hands began to join it.

The thudding continued as more fists pounded against the wall. Eventually faces began to press against the wall. Expressionless, cold, stark white faces. After a while, the pounding became thunderous and cracks began to appear in the invisible wall.

That was when I woke up out of pure fear.

Never lucid dreamed again after that. :D Hope that shit never happens to you. XD

Last edited 10/05/13(Thu)17:44.

>> No.1076   [Delete]   [Edit]



>> No.1077   [Delete]   [Edit]


You're welcome. :D Sleep tight, don't let the massive reverse-exoskeleton bedbugs with enormous scythelike teeth and eyes the size of dinnerplates bite.

Last edited 10/05/13(Thu)17:44.

>> No.1078   [Delete]   [Edit]

That is the most glorious effin thing. I wish I had dreams like that, and my dreams are usually pretty fucked up and awesome to begin with!

>> No.1080   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1273963064161.jpg -(210.4 KiB, 800x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Update! If anyone cares! The pose did a 360 and now it's this. The legs don't make much sense but I kinda like it so far. Feedback is appreciated.

Also I take way too long fo this but I have fun so it's all good, right?

Thinking about it now, it really is. It's amazing.

Funnily enough, when I wrote >>1072 , I didn't dream at all. God damn.

Last edited 10/05/15(Sat)15:37.

>> No.1081   [Delete]   [Edit]

I actually like the way the picture turned out. Also, the legs make sense imo. They follow the hips if she were leaning forward.

And that's a shame you didn't dream something whacked out. -snaps fingers-

Edit: Oh hey! I looked a second time and realized the pencil was Kyukyu-kun. Nice. XD

Last edited 10/05/16(Sun)11:27.

>> No.1082   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'm glad I managed to put in a little cameo that isn't easily spotted. (´~`)

Thanks! I'm trying to colour it now.

See how I said "trying?" Confidence right there god damn yes

>> No.1084   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1274044638800.jpg -(191.4 KiB, 800x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm sorry I'm making such a big deal of this, but here's some color. More to come tomorrow, I'm going to bed now. See you!

>> No.1087   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1274216235831.jpg -(361.7 KiB, 800x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Aaand done. The background seems a bit generic, but there you go!

>> No.1373   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1282167489854.jpg -(228.5 KiB, 600x805) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


I know, it's easier said than done... but...
There was only one mistake from your perspective: you considered that your surrounding may be dangerous to you, that it has a control over you. In reality, situation inside of your dreams is the directly opposite. You can change the every tiny corner of the world around with pure will, every creature around will do as you want it. You just have to understand that and accept it as a fact. It's an important step that every lucid dreamer have to made. Follow a Madotsuki's example, she knows the art of dreaming even better than me. :3 For example, take out a knife from your pocket and poke one of "them" � he will disappear in instant if you want it. Or suddenly say some friendly words to the monster like he is your old acquaintance, this will help you to believe that he is not hostile to you, and "to believe" means "to make real" in dream.

Still I have to admit: your story sounds awesome. Dozen or two of such scenes, and you can film a great horror movie, no exaggeration. :3

Btw, nice work, OP.

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