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111997 No.372   [Delete]   [Edit

There once was a girl named Madotsuki
Who encountered a man quite ghostly
He showed up one day
when the lights went away
And there was no escape from him...mostly.

There once was a girl in a cave
Who looked though belong'd in a grave
then into her sight
came a girl with a light
and made her go into a rave

>> No.373   [Delete]   [Edit]

unz unz unz unz

>> No.374   [Delete]   [Edit]

Hell yes.

>> No.381   [Delete]   [Edit]

There once was a girl named Mado
But really, she was just Mado's shadow
She spent all her days
Trapped in the red maze
Waiting for someone to say "Hello"

>> No.382   [Delete]   [Edit]

Or if you want:

There once was a girl named Mado
But really, she was just Mado's shadow
She spent all her days
Trapped in the red maze
Waiting for someone to say "Haldo"

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