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File: 1311201332056.jpg -(8370 B, 272x160) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
8370 No.1586   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

When i try to start up .Flow it comes up with a box saying RPG????2000?????????????

what does this mean and why cant i play D: im no good with computers but really wanna play! someone halp?

>> No.1587   [Delete]   [Edit]

You should probably have posted this in teh Flow help thread
but to avoid a big shitstorm of pointlessness:
Do you have RPG maker 2000 installed? that seems to be what its asking

>> No.1590   [Delete]   [Edit]

Yea i do have it installed

ooh could you direct me to the help thread please? O:

>> No.1592   [Delete]   [Edit]

its uh, right on this page, called flow help desk

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No.1485   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

I'm probably super-late to the party, but I thought I'd post this - again if it has already been posted in a thread before:


Perhaps it has something to do with the happenings in-game?

>> No.1562   [Delete]   [Edit]

flow is the feeling you get when you're having such a good time doing something that you forget the flow of time and your own physical needs, such as how an artist will get so absorbed in their work that they don't realize how focused they are

.flow is as close to a fangame can get to silent hill

i think only the name is relevant. Unless .flow is actually a computer system that you're supposed to enjoy, and sabitsuki hallucinates so much it causes her some sort of physical harm

theories and shit woo

>> No.1567   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1311132409905.jpg -(17.1 KiB, 262x200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


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File: 1310025338650.png -(55.9 KiB, 500x375) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
57201 No.1410   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

Okay so here's my theory /flow/ it's long but bear with me, put a bit of thought into it.

Sabi was a blonde haired girl who enjoyed video games and the average things a teenager would but she hung around the wrong kind of crowd, as in the kind of punks that like to do nothing but trouble. All she really wanted was to be a part of a group. She felt the need to stick around. But she had someone in the group that she could actually talk to, someone who was nicer. He was a little older than her and had to watch over his litte sister since they were all they had for each other. So the day came where the gang decide to start some trouble... They planned an attack on their school.
Sabi was very reluctant to to do anything, but she would do anything to just fit into the crowd. The Boy who watched over his sister wanted no part in the operation that was to take place. But the gang needed as many people as they could to pull this off. They knew he had a younger sibling to look after, and they planned to use that fact to their advantage. He knew what they would do to her If continued in trying to back out or stop them. So he was forced into being involved.
Sabi understood what he had to go through for all this but did nothing, He felt disappointed in her for not stepping up to stop them but deep down he expected the reaction she would give.
Bleaching their hair white and putting red symbols over their eyes for a sort of disguise and stopping by a scrap yard for supplies to use as weapons, such as Hooks, Hammers, and Pipes...

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Last edited 11/07/07(Thu)01:09.

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>> No.1419   [Delete]   [Edit]


It shouldn't have, though. Yume 2kki theories go in /t/ too

>> No.1486   [Delete]   [Edit]
>>Sabi was a blonde haired girl who enjoyed video games and the average things a teenager would but she hung around the wrong kind of crowd, as in the kind of punks that like to do nothing but trouble. All she really wanted was to be a part of a group.

This reads like a drug PSA.

When was the last time you went outside?

>> No.1489   [Delete]   [Edit]

Or Smile is an interpretation of Sabi when she was younger. Something warped, twisted, to make it easier to reject her actions in the past.

Simply put, a reoccurring antagonist.

>> No.1490   [Delete]   [Edit]

Given the gore imagery, hospital areas, areas that look like the inside of a human body, and school gives many aspects for theories.
in one event Sabitsuki kills herself, it's hard to see what she's doing but i guess she slits her wrists ( looks like she's eating her hand, probably did it with her teeth ). She wakes up and the computer got bloody. My guess is that she coughed up blood.

So she may have a cardiac disease.
The " Rust " things in the game may present a virus that's killing her, the little fellas that run into you can be interpreted as blood cells trying to protect the body. Some gore and viscera is probably just for the atmosphere, or the producer wanted to be edgy.

Another point to start at is the school. Sabitsuki probably went there, something like a suicide happened and now she skips every lesson.
Maybe she now hides because she committed a crime, like OP said.

The tattoo effect perhaps means that she was part of a gang in school, yes.

The whistle maybe to alarm her group members.
Hood and pipe are obvious.

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File: 1310922986485.png -(55 KiB, 500x374) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
56275 No.1488   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

So uhm, as I said on the other topics I have some videos when I show how to get every single effects.

Headphones: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2HnHbIHs70

Steel Pipe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZz4Wdg3dCc

Ghost: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaSQbNJqNR4

Mono Eye: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZ8dxYucL7k

Diving Helmet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRqfNbvvIFw

Cat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7fBxrarHto

Broom: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1FxA5sdeDc

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File: 1309935521897.jpg -(139.5 KiB, 432x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
142861 No.1383   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

If you don't want to see the complete walkthrough,
here i'll offer a serie of videos to find the effects one by one...
I'm still making them, i'll upload them asap.
It is not necessary to make this thread sticky.

Witch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuEpffNeAcw

Cat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQHywokhqF4

Steel Pipe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z24tEeKMYiw

More tomorrow, now i'm a zombie.

Last edited 11/07/06(Wed)00:00.

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>> No.1473   [Delete]   [Edit]

Samefag here.
I just finished making the videos, but I think I'll upload them anyway, since they have some differences from yours and since dhu, the more the better ehe.

>> No.1479   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1310874369673.png -(58 KiB, 291x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


OP here.
I was doing those videos because i didn't find an effect guide about how to get the effects one by one so far. Thanks for doing that, it saved me a lot of work, you're awesome <3

Can you post the links here?

>> No.1481   [Delete]   [Edit]



I'm still uploading the videos, and they are full of graphical artifacts because I used the first freeware recorder I found, so I might think of re-recording them all if requested.

Still please read the disclaimer put in the information box, I do some funny things (like not using the broom at all) and I justified them. I may think to record multiple routes for certain effects, but after spending 4 hours recording these I'm pretty tired ehe.

>> No.1482   [Delete]   [Edit]

Oh and please tell me if I say\do something wrong\stupid, I will try to correct as soon as possible.

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No.1460   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

I'll just leave this here:

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>> No.1466   [Delete]   [Edit]

damn someone beat me to it.

only good thing to come out of homestuck as well.

>> No.1467   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1310747611137.png -(9891 B, 500x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I saw that a couple days ago
I was too happy for words when I realized what it was ;w;

Last edited 11/07/15(Fri)09:33.

>> No.1469   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1310761629354.png -(7346 B, 447x306) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I love the silly faces the most.

>> No.1478   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1310869051491.gif -(48.1 KiB, 500x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

<this style is fuckin awesome

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File: 1310767582194.png -(172 KiB, 500x462) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
176108 No.1470   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

So what does the Oreko exactly mean? The 'ko' must mean girl, but what would the 'ore' mean
Anyone know?

>> No.1471   [Delete]   [Edit]

ore is abbreviation of orange.

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File: 1242601403894.jpg -(59.3 KiB, 640x475) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
60675 No.2   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply/Last 50]


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>> No.1436   [Delete]   [Edit]

they are .wav files so they could be in some other folder, so i just cut the guesswork out and searched the main game folder for wwww and found it. :)

>> No.1437   [Delete]   [Edit]

I just can't seem to find it! I searched the main folder and all the other folders. If someone could, would it be too much trouble to upload a short video to YouTube, or something like that, with the sound?

>> No.1440   [Delete]   [Edit]

For those looking for the file, here you go

Sounds to me like he's saying "You'll see girl, bet I'll see you again". Very relevant to my theories, I might add

>> No.1457   [Delete]   [Edit]

so has anyone actually figured out where to find the rust menu type?

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File: 1310474791823.png -(334.9 KiB, 600x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
342972 No.1447   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

Share cool/interesting/creepy places you've found in .flow? I'm sorry if there's already a thread like this, but I haven't seen one.
I've got 23 effects, but before I become Rust I want to explore Sabitsuki's inner world a bit more as it is now!
No detailed walkthroughs necessary, just point me in the direction of some cool things I should find?

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>> No.1449   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1310501613791.png -(19.7 KiB, 450x650) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You've got 23 effects you've seen a lot of things already you should try and re explore some areas you aren't familiar with and you might find some cool shit

>> No.1450   [Delete]   [Edit]

Good idea, I'll make a list :)
I thought others might enjoy a thread like this too though, since I'm sure there are a few well hidden secrets in .flow!

>> No.1451   [Delete]   [Edit]

There is only a handful of really hard to find places but they're so infamous that you've probably already heard of them. .flow really is a MUCH easier game than Yume Nikki

>> No.1452   [Delete]   [Edit]

OP, you don't need to wait to get all of the effects, find whatever you please, you don't become Rust until you've flowed within flow.

Last edited 11/07/12(Tue)20:22.

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File: 1309853936233.png -(8831 B, 320x240) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
8831 No.1368   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

/flow/, what am I missing?

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>> No.1411   [Delete]   [Edit]


You are right


That argument works both ways. Also taking a phrase out of context works better when the source isn't right above

Last edited 11/07/07(Thu)03:02.

>> No.1412   [Delete]   [Edit]

My goodness geez

Personally the way I see it, after he posted the thread it wasn't much else that could be done about it. Sure he should have checked the video link and actually the wiki on the effects was still pretty new when he posted (it had been left abandoned for a while till I started edit it a week ago) and it tends to get buried in the other threads. However, the fact remains that he did post a new thread and what's done is done.

Regardless if it's a stupid question or not common curtsy still applies to me on the internet and it's in my nature to help people out.

Last edited 11/07/07(Thu)11:33.

>> No.1413   [Delete]   [Edit]


But yes, I agree.

>> No.1421   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1310090920581.png -(90.5 KiB, 480x640) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

haha wow this thread is kinda hilarious
he made a dumb thread, that's it
no reason to have a giant shitstorm over it

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