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File: 1316482101597.png -(90.4 KiB, 432x782) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
92575 No.8725   [Delete]   [Edit

I've always wanted yume nikki to make sense so I was like "what the hell, lets make a visual novel". Since I suck at drawing myself, I decided to make the avatars with "loli maker" (<- reason why the girls all look flat xD). The story of the game is basically this.

A highschool student sees madotsuki falling from the sky and goes to see her dead body. At that moment, he loses conciousness and mado tells him that "his dream will do for now".

Madotsuki's orders are to follow anyone whose problems make them mix reality with dreams. She gives the protagonist the ability to recognize this people by making them have their eyes constantly closed from his point of view.

Basically you recognize the person, enter his/her dream world and steal their dreams in order to save them (or thats what mado makes you think at least xD)

if anyone's interested in helping with anything (art, dialogues, ideas in general) feel free to do so. if anyone is interested in trolling, I'll feel free to ignore you -w-

>> No.8735   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1316569870798.jpg -(6460 B, 319x188) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.8736   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1316573392409.png -(876 KiB, 1321x2407) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

doing stuff with bases is like 40 times faster than trying to draw myself and it probably looks a lot better than it'd do otherwise. Anyways, here's the ones I have ready so far. The guy in the far bottom is the protagonist.

>> No.8740   [Delete]   [Edit]

they look all the same. awful.

>> No.8746   [Delete]   [Edit]

My name is Barack Obama and I support this thread

>> No.8747   [Delete]   [Edit]
>doing stuff with bases is like 40 times faster than trying to draw myself and it probably looks a lot better than it'd do otherwise

i cant

>> No.8748   [Delete]   [Edit]

Ordinary high school student. Check.
Magical girl. Check.
Now all you need is awkward hentai scenes and you'll have a totally original plot which has everything to do with Yume Nikki!

>> No.8749   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1316656177398.gif -(41.2 KiB, 500x209) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

you included that one chick from nisshi you're cool but i'm sorry no

>> No.8750   [Delete]   [Edit]

Well I've seen people get away with shittier ideas so I still think it was worth the try xD

>> No.8751   [Delete]   [Edit]


>shittier ideas

Find one that also turns Yume Nikki into a shit story, and maybe then I'll agree with you.

>> No.8752   [Delete]   [Edit]

well there's someone like 3 pages ago who proposed the same I did only he actually described it as "high school harem" (this one isnt even set in a school, cuz stuff doesnt happen there and no girl ever falls in love with you xD), someone suggested a uboa-themed mario game, also a yume nikki pokemon hack once and I can't find the thread for that weird japanese game which included madotsuki for no real reason xD

>> No.8753   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1316670879992.png -(51.8 KiB, 380x550) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

There are Mario themed games for everything, most of them not sucking.
And I think a Yume Nikki-mon would actually have some potential if they included NPCs from various fan games, even if there was no story.

>> No.8755   [Delete]   [Edit]

well apparently it has to lack a story cuz yume nikki has none and any kind of story at all will just automatically suck for people xD I mean gensou only had 1 cutscene and it was just like 5 lines of corny dialogue xD so unless you make a pokemon hack with no text at all people will still hate it -w-

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