Alright, so being the Masada who is attending Kumoricon 2009.. they usually have a piano placed somewhere within the convention hall. I remember seeing a SEEKRIT PIANO like.. twice.Any suggestiosn on a song I could attempt to play?Note: I am not SUPERPROOMG and it's been many years since I've played piano. However I am familiar with them.I was considering the Masada Jam from Nico else?(ps..i like how the tag on the link says Duet3 :) )Uh.. Masada repost from /seccom/ because I needed a pic <n<
Alright, so being the Masada who is attending Kumoricon 2009.. they usually have a piano placed somewhere within the convention hall. I remember seeing a SEEKRIT PIANO like.. twice.
Any suggestiosn on a song I could attempt to play?Note: I am not SUPERPROOMG and it's been many years since I've played piano. However I am familiar with them.
I was considering the Masada Jam from Nico
anything else?(ps..i like how the tag on the link says Duet3 :) )
Uh.. Masada repost from /seccom/ because I needed a pic <n<
Tetris A Theme from Gameboy. That's a fucking awesome song.
>>203:D Very simple! I believe I can manage that.>>204Oh gosh this is a great idea as well. If anybody around me knew what YN was this would probably the most recognisable theme. :DAnd on the tetris topic.. is it possible to play a few tetris notes on masada's piano? I read a fanfic where he apparently learned to play that song. Hm.
:D Very simple! I believe I can manage that.
Oh gosh this is a great idea as well. If anybody around me knew what YN was this would probably the most recognisable theme. :D
And on the tetris topic.. is it possible to play a few tetris notes on masada's piano? I read a fanfic where he apparently learned to play that song. Hm.