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File: 1258770194035.png -(434.5 KiB, 1344x3121) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
444880 No.917   [Delete]   [Edit

Okay, new character thread since I can't edit the last one anymore for some reason that I'm far to lazy to figure out/fix.

[The general ones]
Seccom Masada
[Lesser known]
Steve "Leif" Kareha (WOOH!)
Big Red
No Face/Blue girls
MerutoMaro (>>187)
FC Lizardmen
Kamakurako (Igloo girl)
Mafuraako (Hat-and-Scarf girl)
The Alley Demon
The Thing with the Quivering Jaw (I'm all for keeping his name like this)
...Leg Vomit Bean Shit Man. (I love that name)
Aztec Rave Monkey
Tokuto-kun (Blood-coming-out-of-his-head-man)
The cat (The one on top of the mall.)

[List of newly named characters]
Pier Monster
Dave Spector

[Pending list]
Meimu& Iru-jon
Yami Bouzu
Severed Heads
Eye Guy
Shikyuu [Uterus]
Eye Vine
Psy-Guy/Cube Guru
OH U (Pffffft. Should we really refer to him as the OH U picture? I'm all for it.)
Buyo Buyo/Organoid Jr.
Boss, Grunts
Eagle Jelly
Salem Tree
Shadow Pariah
Watching Crowd
Nasu Man
For the "O"-man near "E"-man :
Joe Perry
Dr. O
Big O
Mini O

We must start voting on the pending list names, and clearing up the list ASAP. Also, I'd like to see a conclusion on the O afklsdjfasd person's name. I might set up some sort of date to have the votes in by, but for now just vote and etc.

Also, please try to stay on topic, and try to keep the flaming to a minimum. We don't want any huge flamewars to erupt out of nowhere, okay?

Any name is acceptable, even for characters that have already been named.

Every 5 characters named, I'll update the Character list.

Have fun!

Last edited 09/11/23(Mon)16:07.

>> No.918   [Delete]   [Edit]

Since I came up with a good deal of the pending names, I won't vote for my own. (Although, I like calling that one that gives you the Buyo Buyo effect Buyo Buyo instead of Organoid Jr. I mean, the creature that gives you Medamaude is called Medamaude, and Nopperabou too.)

I vote for O-sensei.

The E-dude is most often just called "e-guy" (with a lowercase as many have stressed), and the Alley Demon is pretty prominent, so I take back Kaonashi.

>> No.919   [Delete]   [Edit]

I vote that the Hell Teleporters be called "Bermudas"

And that the walking eye balls be called "Paranoids"

>> No.921   [Delete]   [Edit]

I dunno if this has already been mentioned before, but the faceless girls are an actual type of Youkai. They're called Ohaguro-Bettari

>> No.923   [Delete]   [Edit]

O-sensei was the name of the creator of aikido XD

>> No.924   [Delete]   [Edit]

For the newer ones, I don't know which is which, they aren't listed on the picture.... :/

I miss the train guy being named "Hurry"

>> No.926   [Delete]   [Edit]


See what I posted at >>349.
I made an edited version of Meri's with some of the newer names. :)
(Also, the black and red train guy is Hurry, the other two were named Nowhere Men, in a reference to the Beatles.)

Last edited 09/11/23(Mon)15:02.

>> No.1146   [Delete]   [Edit]

Please stop bumping the old thread, there's a new one now.

Anyways, I think we should reaaaaaaallly start to clear up that pending list. Start voting, saying your opinions about things, etc.~

>> No.1147   [Delete]   [Edit]

I made a fail and bumped the old thread, sorry.

I tried to think of a name for the two three-eyed monochrome world guys (red and black) and all I got is Hearts and Spades.

and when I posted in the old thread I had said that I personally wanted to call FACE "Fuckhead" because of what some say he represents and because he scares the shit out of me... But judging by how Mado wakes up when you go to his event and how it's like you woke HIM up and the dream world vanished as a result, or he kicked you out... I'm thinking "Azathoth" is a good name for him too.

EDIT: I think "Judge" might be a good name for him too because I keep comparing him to The Judge from Pink Floyd's "The Wall", because (TL;DR WARNING)

(a) In the album the character of Pink is trapped in a kind of vicious cycle (his schoolteachers abused him and his wife left him and his mother smothered him, and he turned into a sort of nazi and has violent turns every now and then, and of course he wasn't exactly faithful or communicative to his wife). And many of the events in Yume Nikki suggest Mado is similar- some of the dream events suggest terrible things have happened to Mado, but on the other hand, some of the things Mado herself can do- lure NPCs to come to her with Cat effect, and stabbing even the most benign of them with Knife effect...

(b) and isn't Mado's room/tower a bit like a kind of self-made prison, like Pink's Wall? and if we hold the theory that everything in the game was a dream, her suicide at the end is like Pink tearing down his wall after being sentenced to do so by The Judge.

(c) and one more thing, The Judge looks like an anus, and FACE looks like a urethra.

Last edited 10/03/14(Sun)22:05.

>> No.1171   [Delete]   [Edit]

I think 'totem' and 'eye guy' are more than adequate names.

>> No.1364   [Delete]   [Edit]

I don't know if i'm late/posting on wrong thread/failing in any other way (first post here...), but one of suggested names for the blood vomitting thing that you can see when Uboa teleports you was Hemoglobin. I think Hemo-goblin could be good name. (GOBLin not GLOBin) (hemo- stands for blood-, so it means bloodgoblin)

Edit before i pressed submit button: i did google search for hemogoblin and haemogoblin, and it seems that both were already invented :(
(not for Yume Nikki, though)

>> No.1598   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1278095619028.png -(439.4 KiB, 1344x3121) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It looks like this thread has been really dead for a while, but I was wondering about a couple things.

Some of the names that have been suggested (i.e. Pissipissini, Cancer, etc.) have stuck and now are being used. Should I add these to the list of names, then?

Also, considering the O-guy, E-man, aksdjfjslf names... I think any name will do, as long as it possibly contains "O" or "E". So we should probably stop the suggestions for those two characters.

I have updated the list with some newer names, red names being popular names for the character, and white names being "official" (considering how they're not really official, but are the most commonly accepted names for each character)

So please keep suggesting names for the unnamed ones, voting on names to use, and make sure to point out places where people are using the suggested names and such!

EDIT: Can we PLEASE stop suggesting more names for the ones that have obvious names that fit their descriptions? I'm sorry, but it's beginning to tick me off considering the lack of voting/discussion of existing names and the continual stream of useless names that don't even help identify the characters themselves that's been going on around here.

When you vote for names, you have to pick them out of the 'Pending Name' list on the OP post of the thread.

Also, if we're going to be coming up with names to refer to characters by, they should at least be sort-of fitting, you know? A name that can at least describe the character itself and give a pretty good hint of who he is. Like, for instance, Big Red refers to the big red guy in the sewers, Fisherman refers to the the fisherman, etc.

Last edited 10/07/03(Sat)10:21.

>> No.1601   [Delete]   [Edit]
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So I just noticed this thread...

I vote "White Sisters" for the "No Face/Blue girls" (I'm guessing that these are the girls in the pic, near where you get the Witch effect); as I explained in my other thread, I've been calling them this just because they're white, they look the same, and White Sisters sounds fittingly spooky.

Also, does anyone have a name for the KALIMBA dancers?

>> No.1801   [Delete]   [Edit]

How about instead of headless pregnant woman things
Pregnant Pear of Salamanca?

>> No.1803   [Delete]   [Edit]

You know those things on the wall in Monochrome world?

I dub them, Nobbleflops.

>> No.2456   [Delete]   [Edit]

.... Oops.

Done bumping the old thread. Please accept my apology. Or just ban me for stupid.

As I said on the old thread, though, I would suggest english names where possible. Some characters have well enough known Jp. names not to bother changing, ie Uboa or Masada. But some have perfect english analogues (like Mr. Squeaks ass Kyuukyuukun, or Mr. Corpse for Shitai-san).

I second "Preggo Pear of Salamanca".
I suggest "Ivaries" or "Eyevaries" for the flying eyeball vaginas in the tunnel in white desert, by analogy from "Ovaries".

>> No.2471   [Delete]   [Edit]

I know we're not supposed to suggest names for people with a voting list, but Dr. Oactually looks like his head is based off of a speaker diaphragm more than anything, which fits with the simple-wave synth voice. So, requesting permission to suggest: Dr. Phragm (pronounce "Doctor Fram" for those with limited english ability)? If that name doesn't immediately achieve landslide popularity, then count me in for Joe Perry.

>>2456 >Ivaries
This sounds like "Ivories", slang in some places for "teeth". Would that just be too nonsensical for these characters? They DO actually kinda look like shark teeth.

I also suggest a flat English translation for Yamibouzo, "Dark Monk".

>> No.2485   [Delete]   [Edit]

i call them happy cow nipples.

Also,i call those guys from block maze world "portished brothers". This name born from a conversation where we was naming things. Random name,but seems to fit them so...idk

>> No.2488   [Delete]   [Edit]

The red block world men, I always called "Mutt and Jeff" after the old comic strip characters.

>> No.2492   [Delete]   [Edit]
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Some suggestions

Last edited 11/02/03(Thu)09:06.

>> No.2494   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1296789486847.png -(19.3 KiB, 626x215) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.2495   [Delete]   [Edit]

I vote for all of these.

>> No.2496   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1296804860047.jpg -(11.1 KiB, 459x346) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>can't stop me

I fucking died

>> No.2505   [Delete]   [Edit]

I vote for these.

>> No.2523   [Delete]   [Edit]
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>> No.2524   [Delete]   [Edit]


I don't find any of these funny. I do, however, like Drug Dealer-chan.

>> No.2526   [Delete]   [Edit]

and this is slowing becoming stupid.

>> No.2528   [Delete]   [Edit]
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>> No.2540   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1298810472572.png -(5655 B, 338x233) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I say we call this one Memizu.
Me for eyes and mizu for water.

>> No.2542   [Delete]   [Edit]

oh man you guys

I haven't been on uboachan in so long

these new names
they killed me so hard

even though I'm not really allowed to vote by my own standards I second Cocaine-chan, "I NEED AN ADULT" and "I AM SO FUCKING HIGH-chan".

>> No.2545   [Delete]   [Edit]

those names are random for randomness's sake. you can do better.

>> No.2551   [Delete]   [Edit]

y u gutta b liek that bru i put in so much effort
snooki-tan tanned too much and got lost in the water ok jezus

>> No.2555   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1299292024746.png -(556.9 KiB, 1344x3121) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

These are the names I've always gone by.

I'm adamant that that 'Jellyfish' is really supposed to be a lotus flower. I swear I've seen that same costume in a Japanese carnival or something.

>> No.2562   [Delete]   [Edit]

i always called the jellyfish " kiriri "
and .. i call the thing with the quivering jaw
i dig him. B|

>> No.2567   [Delete]   [Edit]

No, his actual NAME was Morihei Ueshiba. Screw filial piety ;1

>> No.2573   [Delete]   [Edit]

I've always called the top right alley image 'Zoom' or 'Woosh'.

>> No.2586   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1300279196523.png -(72.2 KiB, 732x883) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

So ... which name goes to which character?
I'm so behind on this thread.
Here are the names I've always referred to these characters as, though, just for the hell of it.

>> No.2596   [Delete]   [Edit]

Shouldn't we sticky this thread?

>> No.2598   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1300824057144.jpg -(13.6 KiB, 389x393) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Two ideas i had.

>> No.2708   [Delete]   [Edit]

For the white Pirori, how about the name Shirori?

How about Mizume?

>> No.2717   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1304388812741.jpg -(46.9 KiB, 672x479) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Oh my jesus fkajslfalwke;f/la this thread is still alive?

I haven't been to Uboachan in forever. Forgive me, /c/.

AAAAAnyways... time to get updated on the Character thread... or at least what's left of it.

To be honest, although the aspect of coming up with an official name for ALL THE CHARACTERS is pretty ridiculous, I think this thread still has a purpose. It helps people be more familiar with the characters/objects in the game, enough so to give them pet names and whatnot. And if we get a name that sticks for one particular character, that's great too. You don't have to stick to calling a certain character that name just because a lot of other people seem to think it fits. Be creative!

Looking around, I've noticed that there's a few names that seem to have stuck quite a bit.

For example, there's:
Dave Spector (I never would've thought it'd fit)
Buyo Buyo (from the effect it gives)
Paindrop (lmao)
Meimu & Iru-jon
and some others

So, let me just ask now for an opinion - on the premise of coming up with familiar names for characters, do you think that this thread has been helpful or not helpful?

[On another note, I think the Character naming map is a bit obsolete now. Eh, whatever- it still did take me quite a bit to compile and it does help for a bunch of people.
Update the map with newer names - yes/no?)

>> No.2718   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.2719   [Delete]   [Edit]
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Well, of course!

..Mostly, this thread was funny.
But because of that, i recognize some characters by their names given here ( I'm so fucking high-chan, god damnit etc. ).. i can't help it, can't get it out of my mind.

also, dopey forever

>> No.2765   [Delete]   [Edit]
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Does anyone know how the name " Tasei-san " for Mars-san came into being?

What does tasei even mean? Is it a (japanese) word?
Or only made up?

>> No.2785   [Delete]   [Edit]

Is there a name for that singing purple E-mannish guy from the flute room?

>> No.2787   [Delete]   [Edit]

I suggest O-broe
like Oboe
which is a flute thing

>> No.2792   [Delete]   [Edit]

I've heard people compare the area where he's found in to a doctors office, so maybe Dr. O-bro? Or does that sound too stupid?

>> No.2796   [Delete]   [Edit]

I support the "O-bro" idea

>> No.2817   [Delete]   [Edit]

dude that suggested O-bro, and I think Dr O-Bro sounds good too. He can be like a psychology doctor, a therapist.

>> No.2818   [Delete]   [Edit]

OH MY GOSH SOMEONE USED MY OLD ART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i am freaking out sorry.

>> No.2833   [Delete]   [Edit]

I say we name the 4th alley image from the left shaquille o'neal.
And E-guy should be named E-man it has a nice ring to it.

>> No.2838   [Delete]   [Edit]

Mr.E get it?

>> No.2859   [Delete]   [Edit]
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So does this mean that's it's official name?

>> No.2860   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1313463744505.png -(194.6 KiB, 400x399) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

we should call the faceless girls 'Munashii'. It means 'void'

>> No.2869   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1313571337181.png -(97.3 KiB, 500x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I vote Okiago for these guys, my reasoning is in the pic

>> No.2872   [Delete]   [Edit]

Make it agoki then

>> No.2873   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'd call them Decapitoilets. Because they look like decapitated toilet people.

Last edited 11/08/17(Wed)08:13.

>> No.2876   [Delete]   [Edit]

I actually like that a lot more, if we go with something along these lines I'd go with Agoki

Huh, I'd never thought of them that way before.
Maybe Decapilets? Decapitoilets is kinda long

>> No.2888   [Delete]   [Edit]

You gotta be...

Goes to Akinator. Comes back

Oh, for god's sake. Who put that on there?

>> No.2889   [Delete]   [Edit]

Why do they all have to have Jowapponesey Japanesey names?

Last edited 11/08/30(Tue)22:38.

>> No.2890   [Delete]   [Edit]

Japanese game, duh.
Started with Tori-ningen and Shitai. that are 3 japanese words, not even derived or something.
We could name Yume Nikki " " dream diary " and start calling them Birdpeople if you want.
But that somehow sounds stupid, so fuck you.

>> No.2908   [Delete]   [Edit]


Yeah, it was made by a Japanese person, but we speak English.
Why would we call something by a name that means nothing in our language? It's not creative if it's just a translation of some idiosyncratic quality of the character, and frankly - the weeaboofication of this game is kind of a disrespect to the game's uniqueness by pigeon-holing it as a Japanese manga thing.

It's like... The bullet train was made in Japan, but we don't call it 'Shinkansen' or 'Burretu trainu' because that would be retarded and a little pretentious, like those people who pronounce Paris as 'Pah-ree'.

It just seems lame to pander to all this manga shit for no reason.

>> No.2909   [Delete]   [Edit]

I've thought this as well.

>> No.2917   [Delete]   [Edit]

calling them by their japanese names doesnt really make the weeaboo problem better or worse and doesnt ruin the uniqueness of the game. its just.. their names. I dont get what your problem is.

>> No.2920   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'm german. The way i pronounce the words Toriningen and Shitai etc. are almost the same as in you pronounce them in japanese, so i don't see any reason why i should call them "Vogelmädchen" or "Leiche".
In fact, it sounds stupid if i would say something like " Siehe da, dort liegt " Leiche ".
Since no one i know knows the meaning for the japanese words, i can use them like they were actual words. It doesn't bother me. Normally i'm a huge traditional and want to erase all anglicisms that are unnecessary, meaning i want the german words to prevail in germany.

Another thing, just because the names are easy to translate, it doesn't mean one should do so.
Imagine they had normal names, Matsumoto for example. You'd call them matsumoto in english, too.

Calling Tokuto " Blood-bucket-kun " is also inane.

>> No.2922   [Delete]   [Edit]

Calling Toriningen "bird people" and Monoe "monochrome picture" and Poniko "pony-tail child" gets tiring and it sounds lame. Only translating some names would be weird, too. No need to get mad over Japanese names in a Japanese game.

>> No.2924   [Delete]   [Edit]
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I agree about everything you and everyone else is saying about "Just say the japanese name it's not weaboo translating it is akward" ect

But "Bird People" is an exception. I think Bird People sounds cool. Seriously, just say it, Bird people. Maybe I'm weird but it makes me giggle. It sounds kind of cute and silly, I dunno.

>> No.2927   [Delete]   [Edit]

for me, pronouncing toriningen in my german way, while trying to sound like a huge japanese with muscles all over is funny enough!

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