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File: 1249248176032.gif -(851 B, 53x72) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
851 No.984   [Delete]   [Edit

I already mentioned that I'm working on my own YN inspired project a-and I guess it's time to reveal some information.

The main character's name is Alex. He's a guy who gets the ideas for his art from his own dreams.

That's it.

v.0.015: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?eamxmddyz42

Last edited 09/09/08(Tue)11:23.

>> No.985   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1249247638033.jpg -(69.3 KiB, 637x479) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here are some screens.

I don't want to try making the game "loldeep" so I guess it'll be more lighthearted than YN.

Maybe I'll even add some kind of fetch quest (besides the collecting "ideas" and "effects")

(yes, that blue door annoys me too)

Last edited 09/08/02(Sun)14:24.

>> No.986   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1249247743939.jpg -(48.9 KiB, 638x478) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Currently I have finished making:

6 maps (they are pretty rough, but i'll remake some of them in later versions)
sprites for 3 effects
some creatures/npc sprites

I plan to release 0.01 beta in two weeks (i'll add 3-4 more maps and find some suitable sound effects).

But still, I'm totally new to RMXP so the first betas going to suck. I guarantee it.

>> No.991   [Delete]   [Edit]

i love it already.can't wait

>> No.1005   [Delete]   [Edit]

Maybe receiving effects will allow you to view artwork upon saving?

>> No.1008   [Delete]   [Edit]

You're almost right.
There are 2 types of effects, the ones that change character's appearance and the ones that can be viewed in "real world" as drawings.
Still I don't think I'll include "idea" collecting in the earliest beta.

Last edited 09/08/05(Wed)01:28.

>> No.1046   [Delete]   [Edit]

how's it going?

>> No.1047   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'll release the first beta on Monday or Tuesday.

>> No.1061   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1250513656128.jpg -(35.9 KiB, 282x341) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

RPGmaker XP. Not so easy to use.
Here is the link to the demo I promised:
(I'm pretty sure you don't need RMXP to play it.)
There are only 8 maps and no fancy visual effects so it's kind of sucks now. I know nothing about scripting so there are some obvious bugs like NPCs giving you the unlimited amount of the effects. I'll try to fix it as soon as I learn how to do it.

Oh and I guess I won't release 0.02 soon. awesomeface.jpg

Hints: There are 3 effects.
Use the computer in the tent.

>> No.1064   [Delete]   [Edit]


first of all, it's great that there is no complicated operation to make it work and launch.
the graphics are beautiful and calming and the rooms actually have an atmosphere.sprites match well together as well,and overall it's very surreal.not to mention how well the audio fits.
tried to collect all effects but apparently they disappear from the menu when i collect a new one.
oh and the reflection in the mirror startled me.since i guess that is the main idea, well done :P

Last edited 09/08/17(Mon)17:32.

>> No.1065   [Delete]   [Edit]

Looking great so far! The idea is really original; it's nice to see something other than "person wanders through their dreams and collects effects for no stated reason" every once in a while. I have to second >>1064 on pretty everything; the graphics, sound effects and atmosphere are all really nice. And the reflection in the mirror got me too. XD;

Can't wait to see more. :3

>> No.1069   [Delete]   [Edit]

Thank you for testing! I'm so glad that you liked it!
Well, disappearing effect is just a bug and I'll try to fix it later.
Actually, scaring isn't the main point of the mirror. It exists just to show Alex's face. I guess I need to add fade effect to make the picure appear less suddenly.
I think it's just another "person wanders through their dreams and collects effects"...Well, at least this time he has an excuse to do it. :P

>> No.1070   [Delete]   [Edit]

oh no, you don't need to change it, it's really good this way.it appears suddenly but it's pleasant, like a silent screamer but not scary since Alex's apparel is really interesting, even handsome.
and i really like neon tetris world and how it looks like the real tetris game: when you go up and the blocks seem like they are falling down! :D

>> No.1072   [Delete]   [Edit]


>I think it's just another "person wanders through their dreams and collects effects"...Well, at least this time he has an excuse to do it. :P

Well, yeah, that's what I meant; at least he has an excuse! (And a pretty neat one too, at that.)

>> No.1075   [Delete]   [Edit]

What I can't even find all the other 2 xD

also good game you got going here (: i looove everything about it. Mostly the soundtrack it's just<3

>> No.1091   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1251140356504.jpg -(37.7 KiB, 638x479) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

A couple of new screens.

>> No.1092   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1251140394874.jpg -(64.5 KiB, 638x478) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.1098   [Delete]   [Edit]


The mirror reminded me of Monoe. Someone should post a picture of Alex.

>> No.1099   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1251205762628.jpg -(65.5 KiB, 862x712) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

these are gorgeous especially the star one! for the paint splatter one i would suggest a bit of paper texture for the background

oh and i uh attempted a fanart, hope you don't mind i made his eyes blue

>> No.1100   [Delete]   [Edit]

Wow, thank you so much!
To tell the truth I didn't expect any fanart of Alex on such an early stage of development.

>blue eyes

Sure, why not.

I'm probably not going to add any textures to that location but I'll definetely use some for the other one.

Last edited 09/08/25(Tue)07:15.

>> No.1101   [Delete]   [Edit]


>To tell the truth I didn't expect any fanart of Alex on such an early stage of development.

Fails hard but anyway

Last edited 09/08/25(Tue)07:58.

>> No.1102   [Delete]   [Edit]

i'm usualy not excited over things easily but your game has this 'something' that i really enjoy

that's seriously cool,man.you make me wanna draw them too :'D

>> No.1103   [Delete]   [Edit]

Yay, thank you.
Poor Alex. He's the only one who doesn't have a fancy name. :D

>> No.1106   [Delete]   [Edit]

His name might be common but he's awesome anyway~

I hope you don't mind me drawing/dolling Alex all the time... I also hope you don't mind my crappy pixels >3>;;; I just liked Alex very much.

>> No.1109   [Delete]   [Edit]


I don't mind at all! I'm glad that you like him.

>> No.1181   [Delete]   [Edit]

v.0.015: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?eamxmddyz42

Added several new maps...and didn't fix any bugs.
If you want to go to >>1091 use the right mirror in the mirror room. The other areas aren't really difficult to find.

...and I know that the new areas are seriously lacking creatures. orz

Last edited 09/09/08(Tue)10:36.

>> No.1186   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1252752335136.png -(13.6 KiB, 236x96) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.1187   [Delete]   [Edit]

awwwwww, i want them both
i also like the bright yellow room very much

>> No.1294   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1255293576215.gif -(495 B, 47x47) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

v.0.02: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?jr4myymzli2
It's pretty much the same as v.0.015 only with several more NPCs and new small map. Probably only worth downloading if you haven't tried the previous version.

Last edited 09/10/11(Sun)13:43.

>> No.1408   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1257586194175.jpg -(115.6 KiB, 532x591) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

some "work in progress" screens.

>> No.1409   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1257586399619.png -(3664 B, 78x132) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This one was made just for my own amusement.

>> No.1410   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1257586758847.jpg -(36.8 KiB, 243x223) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.1492   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1258153993844.png -(31.1 KiB, 500x250) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.1493   [Delete]   [Edit]

aw so cuuute, i really love their expressions C:

>> No.1524   [Delete]   [Edit]

This sounds great. I love how you've decided to make it more beautiful than grimdark. It will be a truly satisfying experience, just like walking along the beach during an orange sunrise.

I won't play the game yet, as I haven't even finished YN. But what's it called? I think you should name it Inner Frame or something, regarding him being inside his own art.

>> No.1528   [Delete]   [Edit]

Thank you for your kind words!

I have already named it "Inspiration" and I don't think I'm going to change the title.
Currently it doesn't have much to explore, only about 20 maps (with 3 effects).

I guess I'm not revealing much, but I actually want to add some dialogs and maybe even fights. Still it isn't going to have any linear storyline.
To tell the truth I'm mostly making this "game" for my own amusement.

>> No.1529   [Delete]   [Edit]

What you totally need to do is make Alex go a tad faster :C It takes me ages to go to from one place to another.

>> No.1531   [Delete]   [Edit]

That's what I actually planned to do.

>> No.1535   [Delete]   [Edit]


You're welcome. Your existing title suits the game as well.

Are you going to make the effects clash with one another? Such as, while it snows, using a fire effect would turn the snowflakes to water, making another dream world flood up, allowing you to access more places?

Also, I would ask if it were possible for you to have Alex move diagonally. I like sixaxis more than four ways. But I understand if this is too much hassle.

Running would be a nice idea, too. The walking suited Yume Nikki, but I think that walking is like having less control over yourself in a dream. Just like how you try to punch someone and your arms move incredibly slow. It's like a fucking nightmare.

Because of this, I think running should be optional. Or you could make him skip or something to add to the cheerful atmosphere.

By the way, about you making this for you own personal amusement: Fantastic. Enjoy being the boss of your own game, and crafting it to perfection the way you want.

>> No.1537   [Delete]   [Edit]


Clashing effects sounds awesome but there is one major problem. I can't script at all. There are several possible ways:

  1. I will learn scripting in my spare time (but I don't have much of it).
  2. I will find someone to do all the scripting.
  3. There won't be any difficult scripts at all.

I like diagonal movement in games, but "Inspiration" is going to have only good old four ways. Yes, I'm lazy like that.

Running is definately going to be optional.

Walking is better for the atmosphere but it can be very tiresome. I mean, I don't play YN anymore without using the bicycle effect.

Anyway, many thanks for your long comments! The fact that people don't ignore this thread makes me extremely happy.

>> No.1538   [Delete]   [Edit]


Well, even though grimdark nightmare corridors and shit are mysterious and tempt you to proceed further, happy looking places make you want to proceed further simply because you want more of a hearty feeling. I applaud you for not taking the same path as YN and its spin-offs.

>> No.1539   [Delete]   [Edit]

I didn't say that there will be no grimdark. There will be some but the whole project is intended to be more light-hearted than YN and most of its spin-offs.

>> No.1550   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1259531910100.jpg -(19.3 KiB, 303x267) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here's some feedback:

I expected this to be 'just another fangame' but it wasnt that bad at all!

I really liked the Numbers world, it was surreal yet quite original in the way it looked

star world was pretty cool too - getting a birdseye view of him walking on transparent clouds above a night's sky was intriguing

The cafe/jazz room had a very nice feel to it, and the pixelated room gave a possibly unintentional homage to Mother!

The only complaints I'd have is not being able to easily locate the 'wake up' button, and the aforementioned fact of Alex moving at a crawl.

Overall,I say keep up the good work, I can't wait to see an updated version of the game!

>> No.1551   [Delete]   [Edit]


Oh, I didn't expect someone to like Numbers world. It feels a little bit unfinished to me and I think I'll try to improve it a bit.

A-ha-ha, I like Mother/Earthbound a lot so this was totally intentional. There will be even more references.

Actually there is no "wake up" button at all but it will be fixed.

Thank you for your feedback.

>> No.1576   [Delete]   [Edit]

Uh, unfortunately I didn't save the password and now I can't edit the download link in the first post.
May I request mod to change "v.0.015 etc" download link to "You will find the download link to the latest version right in this thread"?

Last edited 09/12/06(Sun)00:39.

>> No.1587   [Delete]   [Edit]

Aside from it being incomplete (duh, it's a wip...) I have to say it has it's own feel. All the bugs have already been pointed out, I think. All in all, I can't wait to play this once it's finished!

Hrm... Maybe I'll draw some fanart later...

Last edited 09/12/12(Sat)03:08.

>> No.1588   [Delete]   [Edit]


>it's own feel

Really? This is good because I don't feel much atmosphere. It's probably because I'm the one who makes the game.

Thanks for testing!

>> No.1611   [Delete]   [Edit]

This is really cool. Especially the music. Like for instance, in the neon tetris world... the music there is just wonderful. Did you make it all yourself? And if so, what software did you use?

>> No.1612   [Delete]   [Edit]

No, the music isn't mine. Almost all of it is from http://www.freesound.org/

>> No.1659   [Delete]   [Edit]

How's this going? I'm pretty keen to play the finished version.

>> No.1660   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1262904587525.jpg -(36.8 KiB, 300x300) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Hahaha...finished vesion. Well, it's too early to talk about the finished version when the previous was only 0.02.
Honesty I don't know when I'm going to release 0.03. I've made about 10-12 new maps and a couple of sprites for new effects but it's just a visual part of the game. It seriously needs more scripting...which I am bad at.

Last edited 10/01/07(Thu)15:30.

>> No.1662   [Delete]   [Edit]


What scripting needs to actually be done? You should release them in episodes so we can update them every time you finish the next set of maps.

>> No.1672   [Delete]   [Edit]

Thanks. I'll ask for help when I need it.

>> No.1735   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1264861339277.png -(62.1 KiB, 405x304) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

v.0.025 is up: http://www.mediafire.com/?x2jqhjtoj4d
(and all the previous ones were deleted from Mediafire)

Fixed some bugs, added several locations and now you can run while holding SHIFT.
Still this version is very half-baked (some of the newer locations lack BGM and NPCs) so overall you'd better wait for 0.03.

Last edited 10/01/30(Sat)06:24.

>> No.1736   [Delete]   [Edit]

Is it me or did alex get smaller...

Other than that keep going please<3 I love inspiration, and I want to see it's final stage

>> No.1737   [Delete]   [Edit]

I noticed a weird bug where poking the star that makes the sparkle-like noise in the star area spawns a whole bunch of instances of my CCCP stuff in the task bar. Probably because the sound's an MP3 instead of a .wav like the rest of them.

Update: Unchecking the MP3 option seemed to fix this. I suppose there's not much you could do about this given it's mainly something on my end.

Last edited 10/01/30(Sat)11:48.

>> No.1738   [Delete]   [Edit]

Nah, it's the furniture got bigger. Well, not really... maybe I forgot to resize some objects.
The sprite for Alex is shorter than a standard XP sprite, that's why I have to resize all the furniture from the basic tilesets.

Thank you. I'm actually having lots of fun making this little project.


I also have CCCP-pack installed but I didn't have any problems with it.
I prefer to use MP3 wherever I can just because I don't want the archive to be very big.

>> No.1739   [Delete]   [Edit]

Love love love this game. I do need to tell you however, that.... The black, white and red girl's room scared me. But so far there is only... tux, 3D glasses and girl, right? That's all I found so far... And I noticed you added a few characters, fixed errors with not being able to leave particular rooms, and a wake up option. I like the feel this gives, and you can even leave the house. I have a feeling the street is going to mean something later.... but that's just me. It just seems really important for some reason.

I was sad when I really couldn't enter some of the houses in the world you get to after you leave the little girl's black, white, and red house. But it's a WIP. Oh well.

I like Alex. <3 He seems disgruntled sometimes... And I do have a few ideas, like when you find the painting of the lady after finding the house with brooms in star world, if you put on 3D Glasses and interact with the painting, the lady in the painting should REALLY appear. Then she teleports you to a new world.

Sorry if you aren't taking suggestions or ideas. But I thought I should share. Keep it up Rainy~

>> No.1740   [Delete]   [Edit]

Thank you for your compliments, Oni. To tell the truth I feel a little bit uneasy when people praise this project so much even if it's still only v.0.025.
The girl is intended to be cute and somewhat creepy at the same time so is her room.
Yes, this version contains only 3 effects but I'm going to add 1-2 more in the next version.

I'm glad people like Alex. At first I wasn't sure if it's a right thing to make the main character male but then I was like "WTH should I worry about it?! It's my game and I'm going to do whatever I like."

It's perfectly okay to share your suggestions! Thank you again.

>> No.1751   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1265490887379.jpg -(206.9 KiB, 460x605) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

some kind of official art.

>> No.1847   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1266654829990.png -(40 KiB, 362x285) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm starting to feel bad about overusing the original XP RTP. I wonder if Kikiyama drew everything from the scratch...

>> No.1880   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1267047274300.jpg -(158.5 KiB, 513x705) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I hope I'm not ruining the whole game with random dialogs.

>> No.1886   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1267088968033.jpg -(91 KiB, 562x719) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The shopkeeper guy and red girl.

>> No.1887   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1267089026166.jpg -(66.9 KiB, 444x557) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The red girl is fun to draw.

>> No.1888   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1267091703828.jpg -(92.3 KiB, 473x518) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.1890   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1267119012786.jpg -(144.8 KiB, 590x459) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

v.0.03 http://www.mediafire.com/?dni2odeznmn

  • There are two new effects. One of them you can get for free in the shop (>>1880) and the other one is in the blue palace.
  • One new small map you may enter from the same world where the shop is located.
  • Some characters are given several lines and even Alex comments on some stuff.

My English is very far from being perfect so there might be some grammar mistakes. Please don't forget to notice me about them.

>> No.1891   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1267173180191.jpg -(23 KiB, 415x434) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Playing the latest version. Loving it! I haven't been everywhere yet but I'm digging the atmosphere, especially in the place with blue stars.

>> No.1892   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1267178489233.jpg -(56.8 KiB, 400x450) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You've got fanart. <3

>> No.1902   [Delete]   [Edit]

Glad that you like it. And the pic is very cute. <3 (I like Mado's shirt better)

I'm actually rather surpised. Pleasantly surprised.

If you're currently reading this post, ありがとう ぁもゆさん!

>> No.1905   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1267219113627.png -(82.4 KiB, 800x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I love your game Rainychan.
Here, have a wallpaper fanaert. :D

>> No.1906   [Delete]   [Edit]

Thank you greatly!

>> No.1907   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1267251951572.jpg -(4473 B, 200x200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Are there any videos on the game play yet?
Im not allowed to download after infecting the computer with viruses, so i rely mainly on videos and screen shots.
Is there enough of the game done so that someone can LP it?
I really want to know more about the game since it looks very interesting...

>> No.1908   [Delete]   [Edit]


Honesty, I think that the project is still pretty rough and it's too early to make a LP of it.

Last edited 10/02/26(Fri)22:57.

>> No.1932   [Delete]   [Edit]

There was some more fanart for this in one of the threads above... the one with YN/Y2/.flow fanart, some of the pics have Alex in them A

>> No.1949   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1267815081339.jpg -(80.6 KiB, 565x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Providing a fanart update- there's also comics featuring Alex and others in the group art thread.

>> No.1950   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1267815104856.jpg -(36.7 KiB, 400x351) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.1952   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1267840783612.jpg -(119.5 KiB, 600x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

More fan art. This one is especially cute.


Last edited 10/03/05(Fri)17:59.

>> No.1975   [Delete]   [Edit]

I feel really honored seeing all the fanart. Thank you!

Last edited 10/03/08(Mon)13:07.

>> No.2003   [Delete]   [Edit]


>using sage on a board as slow as Uboachan
>> No.2012   [Delete]   [Edit]

My god, this has come so far. I think that when people start doing fanart of your work, you know you're doing the right thing. Keep it up, Rain!

>> No.2013   [Delete]   [Edit]

Thank you! The best part of making it is the enjoyment you get from the creating process. (Though the project is still in a pretty rough state.)

Last edited 10/03/13(Sat)05:02.

>> No.2098   [Delete]   [Edit]

This guy is doing a Let's Play of it.

>> No.2109   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: Inspiration loop.zip -(860.3 KiB, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Just me again.
I made a short loop for you.
I hope you can find some use for it.

>> No.2139   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1269860460646.png -(2528 B, 148x148) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This is awesome. Funny thing, I've watched this guy's LP for 2kki and Nisshi before he did the one for Inspiration.

Thank you!

_ _ _ _ _
I'm currently trying to improve the new locations because they are very bland. sigh

>> No.2157   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1270248380378.jpg -(16.2 KiB, 386x363) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Finally a Lets Play!
My prayers are answered!
Now I just have to learn to navigate Nicovideo....

>> No.2171   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1270270673670.jpg -(50.7 KiB, 600x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.2172   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1270270692238.jpg -(18.5 KiB, 600x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.2173   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1270270710414.jpg -(43.1 KiB, 600x780) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.2174   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1270270758222.jpg -(51.7 KiB, 300x697) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

And that's all for this fanart update.

>> No.2207   [Delete]   [Edit]

:/ It looks like Mediafire deleted the newest link, care to reupload?

>> No.2209   [Delete]   [Edit]

I don't have any problems with it. http://www.mediafire.com/?dni2odeznmn

>> No.2210   [Delete]   [Edit]

Thanks, this looks exceptional so far. Keep up the good work!

>> No.2260   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1271018495907.png -(27.5 KiB, 223x374) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The new locations are:

  1. Continuations of the previous ones.
  2. Boring.
>> No.2261   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1271018655393.png -(1680 B, 125x51) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The evolution of the "Mage" sprite.

>> No.2293   [Delete]   [Edit]

Just to be sure: does the new version work well?

Last edited 10/04/15(Thu)10:57.

>> No.2295   [Delete]   [Edit]

It says it's corrupt...

>> No.2300   [Delete]   [Edit]

Yep, here too.
I was really looking forward to play it D:

>> No.2307   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1271393933614.jpg -(63 KiB, 314x836) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Sorry. I should have checked the file myself before sharing the download link.

Here is the new DL link for

v.0.035: http://www.mediafire.com/?wzwzz0km2kx

>> No.2377   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1271695421226.png -(1365 B, 58x37) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

"Short hair" and "Talisman" (against bad spirits lol).
I forgot to include them in v 0.035 but they will be in the next version.

Last edited 10/04/19(Mon)09:50.

>> No.2379   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1271706637474.jpg -(60.2 KiB, 560x462) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.2381   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1271728065980.png -(55.3 KiB, 512x384) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.2407   [Delete]   [Edit]

question:is Alex afraid of math lessons?
and btw the event in the hotel was really scary,thanks for the game.

>> No.2408   [Delete]   [Edit]

Look pretty different here, Alex. (Thanks for the pic!)

I thought that using simple geometric figures will be more original that the usual "scary" stuff. I wanted to make the hotel dark and random but not really creepy. Don't know if I succeeded.
Not sure about his opinion on math, but he seems to be afraid of mirrors.

Last edited 10/04/22(Thu)12:36.

>> No.2412   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1272016845825.jpg -(49.1 KiB, 637x479) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

clipping wall there

>> No.2453   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1272560540879.jpg -(22.4 KiB, 337x468) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This is seriously awesome.
I'd post the rest of the Inspiration fanarts but I'm in school right now

>> No.2454   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1272560624064.jpg -(42.5 KiB, 400x400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Forget it, I'll post them anyway

>> No.2455   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1272560687457.jpg -(42.1 KiB, 400x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.2456   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1272561032756.jpg -(55.6 KiB, 432x620) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

aah, slow internet won't let me upload pics >_>

>> No.2457   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1272561079956.jpg -(27.7 KiB, 501x434) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.2458   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1272561181603.jpg -(45.5 KiB, 429x586) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.2459   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1272561363287.jpg -(71.7 KiB, 427x641) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.2460   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1272561441908.jpg -(37.8 KiB, 346x591) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That's it for the ones I got today. There might be more, so I'll take a look at my folder and see what's not here

>> No.2467   [Delete]   [Edit]

Those pictures are incredible. Kudos to the artist!

The girl effect seems to be very popular.


honestly, I never thought about the girl effect in a serious way. I don't think Alex has any gender identity problems. But well...who knows. I just like genderswaps in general.

sigh I wish we had spoiler tags.

Last edited 10/04/30(Fri)11:36.

>> No.2470   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1272657482437.png -(13.4 KiB, 400x520) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

obligatory Alex fanart since I promised you I would do one, haha. it kinda sucks but... I'll try to do another one soon~

>> No.2480   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1272763803601.jpg -(39.1 KiB, 636x474) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

He stole something from his dream.

>> No.2481   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.2482   [Delete]   [Edit]

Yes, thank you so much!

Wait, is it the newest version? (0.035) I actually fixed it in 0.035.

>> No.2483   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1272799714348.jpg -(20.4 KiB, 578x435) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It seems to only work on this suit.
And I have the latest version.

Last edited 10/05/02(Sun)04:36.

>> No.2484   [Delete]   [Edit]


Hm, strange. I've checked the script but didn't find anything wrong with it. You didn't use the save from the previous version, did you?
At any rate thank you for finding this bug.

Last edited 10/05/02(Sun)08:05.

>> No.2486   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1272816945622.png -(19.4 KiB, 114x206) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Was bored in software class. Drew this Alex with Illustrator.
I should be working on Nightmare instead of drawing random things...

>> No.2488   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1272820994979.jpg -(231.8 KiB, 1600x900) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


It says this: Invalid or Deleted File
The key you provided for file download was invalid. This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on Mediafire. This occurs when the file is removed by the originating user or Mediafire. If you believe you have reached this page in error, please contact support.
Click here to view our help resources

Am I doing something wrong? And there's no download button or anything.. help?

>> No.2489   [Delete]   [Edit]

Thank you very much, Leiz!

You're using an expired download link.

Try this one

Last edited 10/05/02(Sun)10:32.

>> No.2500   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1272907014495.jpg -(466.7 KiB, 1440x900) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Screen of my school computer desktop.
I'm too obsessed with that shopkeeper guy. I need more pics of him ;-;

>> No.2521   [Delete]   [Edit]

This is looking amazing. It's giving me that tingly portable game feel. I wish I had an iPhone or something so I could play this wherever I went.

I can actually imagine it being a completely random-generated dream world simulator where every dream always looks different. The waking world version looks fun, too, for when you don't want to dream and want to relax. Which sort of sounds weird when you think about it lol

Keep it up, Rain!

>> No.2523   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'd actually like to draw some pictures but I'm sure they won't be worthy for being used as wallpapers.

Thank you!
I thought about adding a couple of new maps to the real world but I wasn't sure what I wanted to add. So now I'll stick to the expansion of the dream world.

>> No.2524   [Delete]   [Edit]


Okay, I downloaded it. Now how do I open it?
-Shot because this is a stupid question and I'm an idiot-

>> No.2528   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.2537   [Delete]   [Edit]


>I thought about adding a couple of new maps to the real world but I wasn't sure what I wanted to add. So now I'll stick to the expansion of the dream world.

Might I suggest items that could be incorporated into the dreamworld? Such as buying the Dreamlight goggles (which actually exist in real life) would open up a new dream area. Or maybe even a dream camera to be able to take photos of the places you like in the dreams to decorate your room or something. Maybe even drugs like DMT to be able to run super fast through the dreams and shit lol

>> No.2577   [Delete]   [Edit]

I figured out how to drag the suit back out of the real world.
The mirror in the possessed hotel does it, just equip the suit beforehand.

>> No.2580   [Delete]   [Edit]

You just made this mirror even scarier for me. =(

>> No.2625   [Delete]   [Edit]

Thank you for some good ideas.

Thanks, now I've fixed it. Graphically at least.

Yes, it's really creepy.

>> No.2626   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1273750581267.jpg -(23.7 KiB, 308x269) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

So...ver. 0.035b. http://www.mediafire.com/?zn2u3yt3mvn

Not 0.04 because it's a really small update.

  • fixed the mirror bug. >>2577
  • added one location. (see the pic)
  • added/changed some minor graphics
  • added two new effects... >>2377
    and they don't do anything. Again. You may buy them from the Shopkeeper.
  • added title music. finally!

Last edited 10/05/13(Thu)04:38.

>> No.2629   [Delete]   [Edit]

ha! it's that guy that's too busy to talk to me because he's standing there.
i really love him even if he's a meanie
but the other guy that keeps roaming around the town saying he likes the dark more is creepy

two other things that i absolutely adore are the 'NOTHING' room which i found hilarious and the room with all the guys in front of the lady in red painting
that made me interpret her as an antagonist, like a sort of manipulative murderer
it would be cool if she'd be a final boss of sorts haha

>> No.2649   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'm with lolcrayon about the NOTHING room, loved it haha. I'm guessing the fact that rom 302 is the nightmare fuel one isn't a coincidence, right?

I have a little suggestion (no idea if you've thought about it, friends of mine pointed it out when I played the game in front of them:) I think it would be nice if Alex's reflection changed when he's using the Girl Effect, in the Mirrors room. I have no idea how to do it/if you've already plan to do it, but I just thought I should suggest it, as my friends were a bit disappointed when it didn't change, haha.

Keep up the awesome work!

>> No.2651   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1273925340783.jpg -(40.4 KiB, 418x528) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's only natural to like dark places when the town has such a wild color scheme, heh.
Those rooms were pretty fun to make, especially the one with the painting. Thank you.


Yes, this isn't a coincidence.

Oh yes I thought about it many times. I actually want to draw proper reflections of all the effects but I have no idea when I'll do it.

Thank you!

Last edited 10/05/15(Sat)05:09.

>> No.2652   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1273945039962.jpg -(36.9 KiB, 265x450) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.2653   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1273945072330.jpg -(64.9 KiB, 451x534) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.2657   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1273965629154.jpg -(55.2 KiB, 646x512) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I love this guy <3 When I found him in the game I was like OH HEY HE'S CUTE and became his #1 fangirl
That's probably because I love masks and stuff like that.

And whoops this fanart I'm posting is back from >>2453 pixiv post but I ended up missing it

Edit for horrible grammar

Last edited 10/05/15(Sat)16:39.

>> No.2954   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'm in love with inspiration, It's a great game, congrats =>!
Anyway, where can I found the Shopkeeper? ;A; (I guess I'm not good with this type of games XD)

>> No.2955   [Delete]   [Edit]


Neon-glowing world -> robot's tent -> use the computer -> right mirror -> talk with the girl -> use the window -> find the house with the glowing sign


>> No.3090   [Delete]   [Edit]

Thank you so much! =D And you're welcome!

>> No.3093   [Delete]   [Edit]

It won't let me play it!
Every time I try to open the orange-looking game thing, windows says there's a problem and closes it. D:

Is there a way to fix it?

>> No.3097   [Delete]   [Edit]


Honestly I don't know. You seem to be the first person to have any problems with the archive. Might it be broken? try to redownload it.

>> No.3099   [Delete]   [Edit]

@n@ That might be! I'll try to redownload it.

>> No.3101   [Delete]   [Edit]

I re-downloaded it, and it says that the RGSS player doesn't seem to be working. Is there something I have to download before hand or whatnot? ;~;

>> No.3107   [Delete]   [Edit]

I heard some people have problems running RPXP games on Vista. If you use Vista try to do the following.
Run XP application in compatibility mode:
1) Right click on the application.
2) Click on properties.
3) Click on compatibility
4) Select XP service pack two.
5) Click ok
(a little guide from RPGevolution)

If it doesn't help, then I dunno.

>> No.3111   [Delete]   [Edit]

Vista makes me rage so much.
It seemed to not hate me as much, though. Thanks for the help! :'c
I'll have to ask my dad to see what's up.
'cause it looks like a good game. ;A;

>> No.3428   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1276462401907.jpg -(37.2 KiB, 236x222) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm still busy with some exams but I've already started making new/changing the old stuff.
Pic related. I've changed only one tile but the place became 1.5 times more atmospheric.

>> No.3538   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1276793438171.png -(42.3 KiB, 530x300) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3728   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1277141636214.png -(313.9 KiB, 500x670) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.4319   [Delete]   [Edit]

Sounds interesting, I'm downloading it now :D
And it sounds like it'd be a delightful change from the deep and dark Yume Nikki, but it is still nonetheless good :D

>> No.4345   [Delete]   [Edit]

Downloading now :D
Also bump

>> No.4649   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1278986872626.png -(173.2 KiB, 446x346) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I was watching Kenan & Kel then SUDDENLY


>> No.4651   [Delete]   [Edit]

Alex GET Fat effect?

>> No.4875   [Delete]   [Edit]

I feel very stupid talking about this but it somewhat troubles me.
Basically I want to make a location (about 10-15 maps) and I have two choices.

  1. Use the material from several chipsets ripped from different games.
  2. Draw everything from scratch and spend on it lots and lots of hours.

I really don't want to spend tons of time on drawing just the same things I may take from the other chipsets. On the other hand, I feel bad about using so much stuff that wasn't made by me (In truth I've already used plenty of different materials...even if it isn't always easy to spot). HALP

Last edited 10/07/18(Sun)16:32.

>> No.4876   [Delete]   [Edit]

hello rainychan.

please dont feel stupid posting here, this board is for help with games too, not just showing them, and youre a very good game maker, i dont think there would be any qualms about helping you make a decision.

that said, i dont think it would be bad to use some pre made things if you dont want to spend a long long time on everything, however i think that instead of using game rips, you might use some things that are made specifically for resources. maybe that will feel a little better, since they are made just for that purpose. as long as you credit them, too, you could always edit the ones that you find to look like what you want, as long as its not specified not to, and also, you could have a combination of both-- made items/things/tiles that you want to look a certain way yourself, and use premade tiles for things that are less specific to your location.

it doesnt have to be any one way, and i think it might help you to feel less guilty about using premade things.

i can understand the feeling of wanting to make everything, but if you feel like it will hold your game up, and perhaps even slow you down, it may be better to compromise in the middle of the two. it is still your game and hardwork, so its not so much that anything will be lost.

i hope this helps? i look forward to what you'll do with this new area. i hope it comes out as youd like it to, rainy.

>> No.4891   [Delete]   [Edit]


I will probably try to combine 1 and 2. Currently I am not sure how am I going to do that but I hope the result will be good. Sure it will take more time but at least I won't be feeling guilty about using so much pre made graphics in one place.

Thank you so much for such a great message!

Last edited 10/07/19(Mon)00:07.

>> No.4931   [Delete]   [Edit]



>> No.4963   [Delete]   [Edit]

I love Inspiration right now ^o^ It's like Yume Nikki, but it gives me less nightmares!

Now I must fanart!

>> No.4966   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1279941674402.png -(222.7 KiB, 640x881) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I made fanarts! The robot and the shopkeeper are my favorite characters so far. :D I wanna draw Alex next.

>> No.4968   [Delete]   [Edit]

This is immensely awesome, thank you! The robot looks especially cute drawn in your style. When I draw it, it always looks too much like something from Uncanny Valley.

>> No.4969   [Delete]   [Edit]

Your art style is so pretty!The robot looks cute~ and SHOPKEEPER ♥♥♥

>> No.5280   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1281879047402.jpg -(93.6 KiB, 498x488) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Inspiration v.0.04: http://www.mediafire.com/?ig8lkuq2k2a68pg
Just added some new locations.
<-Picture related, this is where you can find all the new stuff.

>> No.5335   [Delete]   [Edit]

Yayyy, I really like this game. Excited for me update.

>> No.5346   [Delete]   [Edit]


Just want to say love this game.

>> No.5347   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1282425748284.png -(32.2 KiB, 640x482) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.



>> No.5358   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1282516138065.png -(1646 B, 108x71) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Left or right? Which one looks better?

>> No.5360   [Delete]   [Edit]

I prefer the left one for inclusion in the game.
But I'd fully support either one honestly, looking at it from a purely aesthetic standpoint.

>> No.5361   [Delete]   [Edit]

I find it more original, while the other just kinda looks like Hat&Scarf.

>> No.5365   [Delete]   [Edit]

Left, no doubt about it.

>> No.5366   [Delete]   [Edit]

Okay, the left one then. I also think it looks better.

>> No.5571   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'm curious, how do I get more money? Or will I only have 50 forever?

>> No.5572   [Delete]   [Edit]

You can find money in bushes and stuff. But it isn't that much.

>> No.5574   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1284942015604.png -(41 KiB, 317x466) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Oh hey it's some guy I wonder if he FUCK NO GET AWAY NO

>> No.5796   [Delete]   [Edit]

How's this going, Rainy?

>> No.5800   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'm pretty busy now but don't worry, I didn't forget about the game.

>> No.5997   [Delete]   [Edit]


Oh, that's good. Are you going to release an installer for it, or are we going to have to dick about with RPG maker to play it once it's finished?

>> No.6001   [Delete]   [Edit]


Well, you don't need to install RMXP RTP to play it. Everything is already included in the game archive.

>> No.6446   [Delete]   [Edit]

Bump :D

>> No.6771   [Delete]   [Edit]

I bump this thread because this game is still cool and needs more love

>> No.6969   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.7019   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1304293536070.png -(6302 B, 126x127) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Hello everyone! Since this thread got bump'ed, I have to write a reply.
Sorry for not updating for a long time, I'm just busy with different things and not in right mood for working on the game. Still, have some (currently) unused graphics.

>> No.7020   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1304301032090.png -(53 KiB, 600x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Is that a new color-drink? Or is it something else?

>> No.7021   [Delete]   [Edit]

Yes, yes it is. There are 2 more but I won't show them now.
Thanks for the drawing!

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