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File: 1273537031204.png -(2433 B, 320x240) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2433 No.2590   [Delete]   [Edit

So um I noticed there's no specific thread for Hallucigenia or sickmind (if there's one for Hallucigenia please tell me before I make it)

I found it while walking around Pixiv
I can't play it because of my current inability of installing the Asian support on my computer, but from what I can make out of the project, it's kind of cute. It's just a veeery early beta though, so there's pretty much nothing there yet.

This is the uploader, I guess?
I think the main character is called Yamitsuki or something.
Anyone played it?

>> No.2594   [Delete]   [Edit]

Just played it. It seems more like the framework of a game at the moment, as there's no effects and none of the doors in the worlds lead anywhere. The worlds are all pretty small, too. I think I counted 2 npcs total.

Also, the doors aren't well coded because they warp you into the exit door rather than right below it. The world on the bottom left leads to a place you can't leave since the door back isn't even coded.

>> No.2595   [Delete]   [Edit]

There is a thread for Hallucigenia, but...I guess no one really cares too much for it, since it's about on par with Sickmind which is...Not a game yet.

>> No.2658   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1273967257461.jpg -(57.7 KiB, 450x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I guess they changed the uploader or something?

>> No.2699   [Delete]   [Edit]

Latest version is glitchy as hell, but you can get effects now. Not that they do anything, they're purely cosmetic.

>> No.2705   [Delete]   [Edit]

Huh. It's definitely cute, and there are some nice sprites, but it doesn't look like the game has much of a concept at this point.

>> No.2757   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1274361543225.gif -(15.1 KiB, 350x350) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

New release today.
Anyone feeling like checking it out?
Picture semi-related, taken from the Panorama file (aka background)

>> No.3742   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1277142756168.png -(129 KiB, 500x550) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3744   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1277142821138.png -(280.3 KiB, 600x550) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3746   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1277142894696.png -(137.5 KiB, 500x643) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.4909   [Delete]   [Edit]

Rezzing this thread because 006 was released 2 days ago. Don't worry, I won't flud with pictures like I usually do.
Here http://loda.jp/marisyan/ if you didn't know (just for posting it. it's like, 7 posts above this one). Download files 7 and 8, unpack, and put what's in 8 in 7's folder.
Have an enjoying

>> No.4910   [Delete]   [Edit]

This is really just a meh game. The character sprites are very very cute and surprisingly well designed, but the rest of the graphics are really kind of lacking. They're not TOO bad, but the generic, overdone worlds don't really help. Not really worth trudging (extremely slowly) through all the worlds to get all the effects (still cosmetic).

>> No.5176   [Delete]   [Edit]

I found it!

>> No.5744   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1286259285497.png -(10.7 KiB, 620x440) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yamitsuki(?) has a nice Doll Collection...

Also whats the Other girl's name that you can play as...?

I dont know who's worse, the goth mindfuck dreams(?) or the Happy Bunny Dreams...

Edit: Didnt know it was 2 months since last bump on this thread... Playing version 0.08 FYI... Everything still cosmetic and you cant actually use effects, they are dumped onto you and you cant Unequip them... Also Debug Room is a lie, nothing works

Last edited 10/10/04(Mon)23:17.

>> No.5745   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1286259964279.png -(15.1 KiB, 620x440) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

She has her own game Doesnt she? Why is she here...

Also hid all the effects for you guys have to inch along yourself to find them... or just go inside the debug room yourself...

Last edited 10/10/04(Mon)23:27.

>> No.5749   [Delete]   [Edit]

That's Gorotsuki, and while you're right about her having her own game (dreambook), they're BOTH developed by marisyan. I'm not surprised that she's on sickmind.

>> No.5839   [Delete]   [Edit]

the second character in sickmind according to file names is kurayami ( I think thats like deep darkness or something like that) and its cool she didnt get a tsuki xD

>> No.6067   [Delete]   [Edit]

I just played all 3 endings of the 0.09 version owo does anybody else think kurayami might be yamitsuki's second personality o_o? I dont have much evidence to support it but it kinda does fit when you see the interactions with the characters in the game

>> No.6093   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1290579792707.jpg -(16.7 KiB, 263x186) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

oh great, the RPG2000 message with the bunch of question marks.

RPG2000 download plzthxbai

>> No.6096   [Delete]   [Edit]

Extract it with applocale in Japanese, extract the game with applocale in Japanese, and play the game with applocale in Japanese or you'll get the same problem kthnxbai

>> No.6101   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1290622269813.jpg -(25.6 KiB, 274x355) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Wait what's applocale.

-retarded shithead-

Sorry, I haven't downloaded lots of yn fangames lately, I have but it was for RPG3000. Not RPG2000.

I know nothing about computers kthx.

>> No.6102   [Delete]   [Edit]



>> No.6686   [Delete]   [Edit]

Bumb because v0.10 is/has been out...
They added a weird girl in Green too, I dont know her name, or even the purple girl's name... Yamitsuki is the girl in black right?

While Purple and Green girls' games are quite simple, find papers or effects respectively, Yamistuki has a million effects you have to find in order to get the ending, which I have yet to do...
Purple and Green endings are so WTF!?!?
I started losing my mind very slowly during Green and Purple was just... WHAT IS THIS I DONT EVEN!?!?

Strongly suggest you h4x and add a speed boost event since the maps are HUGE and empty, the effects NPCs in Green are SO FUCKING TINY that you may want to slow down a bit to check if you got them all. Purple only has about 4 pieces of paper... one little sprite IN AN OCEAN OF EMPTINESS!!!

But all in all, I really like how these turned out.

>> No.6750   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1299281527363.png -(58.4 KiB, 354x377) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Their names are Iratsuki (green) and Kurayami (purple)

>> No.7284   [Delete]   [Edit]

Did sickmind get blown off the face of the Earth or something?

Because I can't seem to find a place that has it. The uploaders in this thread doesn't really lead to anywhere with the alleged latest version of sickmind.

>> No.7321   [Delete]   [Edit]

This game is a lie

>> No.7322   [Delete]   [Edit]

yep, the nico list of YN fangames lists both Sickmind and Dreambook as "stopped publishing". Both were made by marisyan and tyokomaguro. Maybe they gave up fangames like I did.
Also Kudaranu Mousou No is GONE from the list itself??????

Is there anyone on /fg/ who has the the latest versions of sickmind and dreambook that could upload them to us?

Last edited 11/05/28(Sat)20:19.

>> No.7323   [Delete]   [Edit]

Was the most recent version of Sickmind .10? If so, I have the most recent updates of Sickmind and Dreambook. I'll upload them in a sec.

>> No.7559   [Delete]   [Edit]

So, any news about how it's going on?

>> No.7586   [Delete]   [Edit]

The fangame page (http://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/%E3%82%86%E3%82%81%E3%81%AB%E3%81%A3%E3%81%8D%E6%B4%BE%E7%94%9F) says discontinued..

>> No.7725   [Delete]   [Edit]

That would be great if you did, since it seems that finding it is a real challenge.

>> No.8087   [Delete]   [Edit]

Are there any links still up for sickmind and dreambook? Probably not, since I feel like I searched everywhere, so can anyone upload them?

>> No.8598   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1315885187047.png -(15.5 KiB, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Sorry for the long-ass delay.
Sickmind http://www.mediafire.com/?nw73yyn559cudl3 (Alt. download link if that version doesn't work: http://www.mediafire.com/?j5rogr2sdzhxm2i )
Dreambook http://www.mediafire.com/?wb33wz41dbxrvra (Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26IkBv24yfI&feature=related As you can see at the end of the video, it's kinda buggy. Before it was deleted there was a patch released. I THINK I applied it to this version, but I'm not sure... I remember it didn't fix the "crash when waking up" but though, so you're not missing anything huge)

There's also another game by Marisyan entitled "Dream Number". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsqezGFzQYw (Download link: http://loda.jp/marisyan/?id=26 )

Last edited 11/09/12(Mon)20:40.

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