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No.2582   [Delete]   [Edit

Um...Well, someone explore this, since it's already late enough for me to be scared to impossible levels in here, and I need my sleep.
No picture because everything in there is encrypted to the .xyz format.
You can find it in the usual fangame place.
Also, what's the translation for this one?

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>> No.2588   [Delete]   [Edit]

Alright, thanks for the info. Wonder what this game will turn out to be.
I just hope that either 1. there is more to the first world than just a stupid stalker (also, apple of eden story anyone?) or 2. they're gonna release an update soon.
Though I'm willing to wait for that big, good update.
Also, the room creeps me out for no reason. Must be their weird smiling faces.

>> No.2591   [Delete]   [Edit]

This game actually has 2 endings. In the beginning, only one door is open, but once you get an effect from a world, it opens another door. After you get the effects from all 6 doors, you can go back to the hospital room to get the 7th, which allows you to end the game.

The effects are fairly easy to get because the worlds are pretty small. They're only one world deep, too. There's also a glitch in the second world you can get to to double equip the tailwind effect to make things a lot easier (find a chair you can sit in, sit in it non-standardly, w/ the speed up effect on, then re-equip the speed effect) .

To end the game, just wake up and leave the doors. It's a surprisingly happy end, but the game kinda just stops after the credits. You have to quit manually. This is the normal end.

For the special end, go back into the hub. it's all pretty obvious after that. Then leave the doors in the real world again to get the good end. Fortunately, this end puts you back at the title screen after the credits.

I tried doing both ends (re-getting the effects) but it just gave me a glitched version of the normal end.

Effects: (effect # = world order, cause you have to get them in that order.)
1: tailwind- it runs to you in the windmill (N) world. you don't even need to move.
2: bucket- kinda SE in the classroom (SW) world. It's given by a bloody locker
3: knife- in the occult (NE) world. This world has upper and lower bounds. Just go N halfway to the top and then go E/W a lot. You get it from a guy in robes
4: kazehana (special kind of snow?)- in the error (S) world, go east a bit to find a block with a face that looks like a power outlet.
5: dress- in the snake (NW) world, go slightly W then a lot N/S and you'll find a blond girl.
6: wind and rain- in the ocean (SE) world, slightly W and a lot N/S, there's a couple under an umbrella.
7: bouquet- recieve from fellow patient/twin after getting the rest of the effects

Also, the game's name is apparently something along the lines of "crap delusion"

Edit: researched names, put them in
Edit2: Forgot to add, MC's name is Kazaguruma or something.
Edit3: Forgot to point out, to wake up, use the first effect (or whichever is the really long one) in the effects list. The items list does nothing.

Last edited 10/05/10(Mon)20:55.

>> No.2597   [Delete]   [Edit]

Well, if it's happy, I think I might even play it. (I normally don't play these kinds of games alone, and the friend that usually comes here to play has an exam in about 2 days [I got it too, but I don't care much] so he wants to study. :/ )
Thanks for all the help with this one, btw. How the hell do you get all that info so fast?

>> No.2599   [Delete]   [Edit]

I just try to study and it happens...

Anyways, I wouldn't say it's happy, just, nothing's as extremely strange or weird as in the other fangames. That's not to say it's not strange or disturbing, just not nearly as much. The end is happy in the same way Yume Nikki's was sad. It's just subtle.

>> No.2601   [Delete]   [Edit]

Excuse me for being incredibly dumb, but I couldn't figure out how to drop the effects or the items.
Though I did notice that if you press Z and X at the same time in the normal ending, everything glows a bit and you hear a strange snake-ish sound, distorted.

Also, I see what you mean by subtle. But I was relieved seeing that the 2 girls were under an umbrella together, as opposed to one killing the other. That was the only "scary" thing in the game, which was just mildly shocking.
I loved the music the strange creatures in the knife world made.
Oh well, moving on...

>> No.2602   [Delete]   [Edit]

to drop effects, just go back to the hub (don't know if you have to see the normal ending first or something). There should be balls in front of each door. Just equip an effect and touch the ball corresponding to the door you got it from. Touch the ball again to retrieve the effect, or go grab them again from the doors if you want them back.

>> No.2606   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1273596207841.gif -(8669 B, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Haha man, now I feel silly. I would have never thought of re-trying the doors after getting the first effect...

I tried getting the good ending but even though I drop the effects in the hub, it seems the ending is still the same... do I need to restart the game? Or is there something else to do?

oh and here's another screenshot, it's the occult world.

>> No.2688   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1274119687336.png -(420.4 KiB, 1024x768) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.2689   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1274119823276.png -(374.5 KiB, 768x1024) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.2690   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1274119987175.jpg -(164.9 KiB, 506x635) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.2695   [Delete]   [Edit]

that 0.005 thing that appeared just before yume 2kki 0.090, is it this one? I can't get it to run because apparently there's a missing file, and the patch that came with it doesn't help.

Edit: the title's ルレキゲニア, which is rurekigenia, which sorta sounds like hallucigenia, but not really.

Edit2: Oh damn, it is hallucigenia. Looks like this is the wrong thread then.

Last edited 10/05/17(Mon)15:30.

>> No.2698   [Delete]   [Edit]

The .005 is Hallucigenia, but I'm pretty sure this game is "Kudaranu Mousou no" (something like "Ridiculous Delusions"), which is still on ver .01.

>> No.2701   [Delete]   [Edit]

くだらぬ妄想の "kudaranu mousou no"
Google translates it as "the Crap Delusion", which sounds stupid =| "Ridiculous Delusions" sounds way better

>> No.2704   [Delete]   [Edit]

There's a third ending, the bad one. It's a little harder to get than the others - you have to drop the final effect behind the main door (the big white one) to get it.

>> No.2709   [Delete]   [Edit]

Huh, nice catch. I thought there would be a way to drop the bouquet effect too but never found it.

>> No.2719   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1274216123706.gif -(12.1 KiB, 40x20) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Umh ._. ... i'm sorry, but
Where do i download it?

Pic Unrelated

>> No.2725   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1274225524606.jpg -(156.1 KiB, 500x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

bad end?

>> No.2730   [Delete]   [Edit]

Alright I got three endings.

Bad end: Give back all the effects to the balls. And behind the hospital doors there is another ball to give your bouquet effect. When you wake up, you're a ghost. Your sister will be facing your bed, flowers in hand, and you can't save. The heart monitor goes flat. You died. So, like in the normal end, you just walk down into darkness alone, and some things will be different. It's sad and rather...disturbing, for what kind of game this is. Also, you don't really need to give back ALL the effects. Just the flowers.

Normal ending: Just leave. Don't give back any effects. It's like the bad ending. But....much happier. The green thing that gives you the pinwheel follows you.

Good end: Give back all effects, but the flowers. A good, happy end will await you. The sky looks nice today, brother. : )

>> No.2745   [Delete]   [Edit]



>> No.2750   [Delete]   [Edit]


Thank you!

>> No.2756   [Delete]   [Edit]

>>2730 can I have a picture from the bad ending?

>> No.2771   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1274469181848.png -(13.6 KiB, 641x481) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Here, this is when you wake up.

>> No.2772   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1274469469921.png -(7360 B, 641x481) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

...And this is the credits after walking down into darkness. Nice face, bro.

>> No.2801   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1274626632644.png -(54.8 KiB, 400x400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

fanart, but a pretty simple one

>> No.3170   [Delete]   [Edit]

New version is up. http://loda.jp/yume2kki/?id=225

>> No.3193   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1275948037553.jpg -(41.2 KiB, 639x479) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Now you can choose the protagonist. They also seem to have separate scenarios.

>> No.3195   [Delete]   [Edit]

nhfiuhusidh it's not workiiing
Why do all fangames hate me ;_;

The blonde guy feels so familiar...

>> No.3214   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1276019858639.jpg -(80.8 KiB, 637x478) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Da-amn. Cruelty potential at its best.

>> No.3220   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1276048279607.png -(78.9 KiB, 400x300) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

idk but this is cute

>> No.3726   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1277141528217.png -(102.4 KiB, 500x550) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3730   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1277141750901.png -(745.7 KiB, 396x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3732   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1277141810842.png -(221.8 KiB, 500x450) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.4135   [Delete]   [Edit]

Im just Leaving this here


>> No.4268   [Delete]   [Edit]

Oh god, why such a cruel deception? That is Hallucigenia, not Kudaranu ;_;

>> No.4354   [Delete]   [Edit]

o.o? i thought the game was called hallucigenia

EDIT: http://loda.jp/yume2kki/?id=226
"the paranoid crap"

copypaste RPG_RT.exe into that folder to play ouo

Last edited 10/07/05(Mon)16:21.

>> No.4366   [Delete]   [Edit]

Hey guys, I the download link to this game is broken, is there a working link?

>> No.5561   [Delete]   [Edit]

>>4366 As of now the link's busted again. To spare us a lot of trouble until it gets uploaded officially, could someone kindly upload it please?

>> No.5562   [Delete]   [Edit]

And just as I post this I find a working link. Boy I feel stupid.

>> No.5702   [Delete]   [Edit]

now its really not working xD theres no link in loda for either version of this game... and there arent any jose replays of the game in nico xD

>> No.5712   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.5716   [Delete]   [Edit]

thanks! I was lost trying to google it since the only download sites ever linked enven in japanese was loda and it wasnt in there xD

>> No.5743   [Delete]   [Edit]

;_; Bad Ending made me cry guise!


But other than that, this is probably my Second favourite fan game here.

>> No.5750   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1286291022686.png -(81.7 KiB, 303x286) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I don't think he's all that evil. But that's just because he's got a cute little sister and a possible girlfriend. I believe you're refering to the fact he beheads Kazaguruma, right? If it makes you feel better, he's shown dead at one point of Kazaguruma's dream world (that creepy school-like world), and I think you can kill him yourself on the rainy world. Have fun punishing him.

And I'm not too sure, but I think his actual weapon is a golf club. I'm guessing his animal effect only works against other animals, and it kinda makes sense considering he's a dog/wolf/whatever and the guys on that village are cats.

>> No.5752   [Delete]   [Edit]

so is that because of fanart? cuz the fox thing is the only effect I could get with jose ;_; he refuses to go anywhere besides the place he meets kazaguruma, the guillotine room and the place wiht the cats

>> No.5753   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1286303707166.png -(110.2 KiB, 393x327) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Mostly because his game is incomplete. I think it's the exact reason Melth took the loda links down, too. I remember somewhere in his pixiv that he said he didn't want the game to be incomplete.

And it's more like official art since Melth himself draws Jose with a golf club.

>> No.5754   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1286303959733.png -(2325 B, 192x192) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Related to the current discussion. Jose facesets from the game. These are his effects, though the only obtainable one at the moment is in fact the wolf/fox thing.

>> No.5756   [Delete]   [Edit]

Oh I want to get the pirate one D: and the pumpkin one looks cool xD

>> No.7440   [Delete]   [Edit]


I am a producer of this game.

Because "kudaranu mousou no" is a stop of opening to the public, I would like you to erase the file.


Thank you for the prompt action^^

Last edited 11/06/08(Wed)01:33.

>> No.7442   [Delete]   [Edit]

Deleted it. If you are really melth... can we have an autograph?

>> No.7555   [Delete]   [Edit]

No autographs for us. Damn.

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